Facebook iFrame Authorization

So, it turns out that any facebook page, when loaded in an iframe, will explode. That is, it’ll display the facebook logo and nothing else. It’d say it’s an anti-clickjacking measure, if I had to guess.

The problem is that this applies to /any/ iframe, including facebook’s own. This presents a problem when trying to load facebook’s authorization page in a facebook iframe-based app. This was a problem as of Jan 1, 2011, but facebook changes things so fast that it may be resolved by now. If not, here’s how to fix it.

How it should work:

  1. User loads apps.facebook.com/myapp, which loads myserver.com/fb_content/start in an iframe, which, upon detecting that the user has not authorized the app, will redirect to-
  2. Facebook’s authorization page (still in the iframe). If the user clicks “Allow”, it’ll redirect to whatever url you passed in the redirect, such as-
  3. myserver.com/fb_content/cool_authorized/stuff (still in the iframe)

Of course, as stated, step 2 blows up.

How to make it work

  1. User loades apps.facebook.com/myapp, which loads myserver.com/fb_content/start in an iframe, which, upon detecting that the user has not authorized the app, will javascript redirect (busting out of the frame) to:
  2. Facebook’s authorization page (not in an iframe). If the user clicks “Allow”, it’ll redirect to the url passed, which gets you back to-
  3. myserver.com/fb_content/start (not in an iframe), since facebook authorization won’t redirect to a domain that’s not yours (eg, can’t do apps.facebook.com), so you need to first redirect to a page you control, detect that you’re not in an iframe, and so redirect to-
  4. apps.facebook.com/myapp, which loads myserver.com/fb_content/start in an iframe, which, upon detecting that the user has authorized your app, will redirect to-
  5. myserver.com/fb_content/cool_authorized/stuff (still in the iframe)

Luckily, this all looks like “How it should work” to the user if the redirects are fast.

Rails code to do it

In app/controllers/oauth_controller:

def start
	require 'uri'
	escaped_callback_url = URI.escape(FB_CONFIG['callback_url'], Regexp.new("[^#{URI::PATTERN::UNRESERVED}]"))
	signed_request_data = decode_signed_request(FB_CONFIG['app_secret'],params[:signed_request])

		if(signed_request_data["user_id"] != nil)
			# User has already or just accepted the app
			session['auth_token'] = signed_request_data['oauth_token']
			redirect_to "wherever you want to go after authentication"
			# User hasn't accepted our app
			@redirect_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=#{FB_CONFIG['app_id']}&redirect_uri=#{escaped_callback_url}&display=page&scope=publish_stream,user_photo_video_tags&type=user_agent&display=page"
		#We're not in a facebook iframe
		redirect_to FB_CONFIG['app_url']

	require 'base64'
	def base64_url_decode(str)
	  str += '=' * (4 - str.length.modulo(4))
	  Base64.decode64(str.gsub("-", "+").gsub("_", "/"))
	require 'hmac-sha2'
	# used to validate signed requests from facebook http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/canvas
	def decode_signed_request(facebook_secret, signed_request)
			return nil
			raise "Facebook secret not set."
	  encoded_sig, encoded_data = signed_request.split(".")
	  decoded_data = base64_url_decode(encoded_data)
	  decoded_sig = base64_url_decode(encoded_sig)
		logger.info "Decoded data = " + decoded_data.inspect
		logger.info "Json parsed decoded data = " + ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(decoded_data).inspect
		expected_sig = HMAC::SHA256.digest(facebook_secret, encoded_data)
	  return decoded_sig==expected_sig ? ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(decoded_data) : nil

In app/views/oauth:

<% if @redirect_url %>
	<script type='text/javascript'>top.location.href = '<%= raw @redirect_url %>';</script>
<% end %>

In config/initializers/load_config:

FB_CONFIG = YAML.load_file("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/facebook.yml")[RAILS_ENV]

In config/facebook.yml:

    app_id: '1234your_app_id'
    api_key: '1234your_app_key'
    app_secret: '1234your_app_secret'
    callback_url: "myserver.com/fb_content/start"
    app_url: http://apps.facebook.com/myapp

In Gemfile:

gem 'json'
gem 'ruby-hmac'