Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.
- Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic park
Inspired by this tweet, I was wondering tonight to what degree I could make ruby look like other languages. Please don’t anyone ever actually do this.
So far I’ve come up with three tactics:
var foo =
can be accomplished by a dummy var
just looks like the start of some block syntax.Put it all together and you might be able to confuse a JS programmer for a second or two:
var sum = function(:a, :b) {
a + b;
console.log[ sum[ 3, 4 ] ];
# Prints "7"
Here’s the code to make it work:
require 'ostruct'
def var(_)
console = (->(s){puts s}))
def function(*args, &block)
klass = { attr_accessor *args } { |*arg_values|
obj = {|arg, arg_value| obj.send(:"#{arg}=", arg_value) }
The only interesting bit is the function
definition. It takes in a block and returns a function (a proc) that, when called, executes the block. It injects the specified variables into the block by sticking them on a new object then evaluating the block with that object as context. There’s probably a better way to do that, but this was all I could find. Everything else would have required declaring the function with a very un-javascript-like function(:a, :b) { |a, b| ...